International Wound Journal

所属栏目:SCI期刊 热度:1308

International Wound Journal

International Wound Journal



概述《国际伤口杂志》的独特位置有助于提高患者护理标准和国际专业实践水平。它涵盖了伤口和相关皮肤状况的预防和治疗的各个方面。《国际伤口杂志》通过在同行评审过程中发布最高标准的最具临床相关性和焦点的研究,向所有参与伤口护理的专业人员提供最重要、最相关和最实用的研究,以改善患者护理,同时继续培养合作伙伴。行业、临床医生和研究人员之间的关系。该杂志是医生、外科医生、护士、足病医师、物理治疗师、放射治疗师、肿瘤医师、职业治疗师和其他从事伤口和相关疾病预防和治疗的医疗专业人员的主要信息资源。发布的主题包括:·慢性和急性伤口伤口防治·瘢痕防治·皮肤病的诊断和治疗·糖尿病伤口·腿部溃疡·烧伤·组织修复与再生·伤口愈合疗法·外科和非皮肤创伤·敷料-管理和治疗·教育和培训·为伤口患者提供护理的例子编辑由一个国际专家委员会和一个跨学科和专业的评审小组提供支持,确保只有最新和最相关的研究才能发表。《国际伤口杂志》由Medline和Cinahl编制索引。目的与范围编辑们欢迎有关外科、皮肤病学、肿瘤学、护理、放射治疗、物理治疗、职业治疗和足病治疗领域的伤口和相关疾病预防和治疗的所有方面的论文。该期刊接受以下类别的论文:-研究论文-审阅文章-临床研究-字母-新闻和观点:国际观点、教育倡议、指导方针以及各团体和社会的不同活动。活动日历编辑由一个国际专家委员会和一个跨学科和专业的评审小组提供支持,确保只有最新和最相关的研究才能发表。作者身份的好处包括:-简单快速的在线提交和审查流程-所有文章的最大曝光量——超过6500个机构网站和图书馆为他们的临床医生、研究人员、教育工作者和学生提供在线访问。-公认为所有伤口护理专业人员的主要信息来源《国际伤口杂志》由Medline和Cinahl编制索引。关键词国际伤口杂志,伤口,伤口,伤口研究,伤口护理,伤口管理,临床伤口,临床伤口护理,溃疡,临床论文,烧伤,伤口护理,敷料,感染,护理伤口,伤口愈合,糖尿病伤口护理,足部伤口护理,伤口护理,Wiley Blackwell,Blackwell出版社,皮肤病学,Information关于伤口的信息提取和索引信息Cinahl:护理与联合健康文献累积指数(EBSCO出版)当前内容:临床医学(Clarivate Analytics)Embase(爱思唯尔)医疗线/公共医疗(NLM)科学引文索引扩展(Clarivate Analytics)Scopus(爱思唯尔)科学网(Clarivate Analytics)


OverviewThe International Wound Journal is uniquely placed to help improve the standards of care for patients and of professional practice internationally. It covers all aspects of prevention and treatment of wounds and associated skin conditions. By publishing the most clinically relevant and focused research, of the highest standard, within a peer-review process, International Wound Journal takes forward its mission to provide all professionals involved in wound care with the most important, relevant and applied research aimed at improving patient care, while continuing to foster partnership between industry, clinicians and researchers. The Journal is the primary information resource for doctors, surgeons, nurses, podiatrists, physical therapists, radiotherapists, oncologists, occupational therapists and other healthcare professionals working in the prevention and treatment of wounds and associated conditions. Topics published include: · Chronic and acute wounds Wound prevention and treatment· Scar prevention and treatment· Diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions· Diabetic wounds· Leg Ulcers· Burn wounds· Tissue repair and regeneration· Wound healing therapies· Surgical and non-skin wounds· Dressings – management and healing· Education and Training· Examples of provision of care to patients with woundsThe Editors are supported by a board of international experts and a panel of reviewers across a range of disciplines and specialties which ensures only the most current and relevant research is published.The International Wound Journal is indexed by MEDLINE and CINAHL. Aims and ScopeThe Editors welcome papers on all aspects of prevention and treatment of wounds and associated conditions in the fields of surgery, dermatology, oncology, nursing, radiotherapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy and podiatry. The Journal accepts papers in the following categories:- Research papers- Review articles- Clinical studies- Letters- News and Views: international perspectives, education initiatives, guidelines and different activities of groups and societies.Calendar of eventsThe Editors are supported by a board of international experts and a panel of reviewers across a range of disciplines and specialties which ensures only the most current and relevant research is published.Benefits of authorship include:- Easy and rapid online submission and review process-Maximum exposure of all articles – over 6,500 institutional sites and libraries provide their clinicians, researchers,educators and students with online access-Recognized as the leading source of information for all wound care professionals The International Wound Journal is indexed by MEDLINE and CINAHL. KeywordsInternational Wound Journal, wound, wounds, wound research, wound care, wound management, clinical wounds, clinical wound care, ulcers, clinical paper, burns, wound care, dressing, dressings, infection, nursing wounds, wound healing, diabetic wound care, foot wound care, the care of wounds, Wiley-Blackwell, Blackwell Publishers, dermatology, information about woundsAbstracting and Indexing InformationCINAHL: Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (EBSCO Publishing)Current Contents: Clinical Medicine (Clarivate Analytics)Embase (Elsevier)MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM)Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics)SCOPUS (Elsevier)Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)




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