Journal of Australian Studies

所属栏目:SCI期刊 热度:49

Journal of Australian Studies

Journal of Australian Studies



检测到英语中文澳大利亚研究杂志(JAS)是国际澳大利亚研究协会的杂志。从中期开始印刷-20世纪70年代,JAS参与了有关澳大利亚过去、现在和未来的一些最重要的讨论。过去几十年。JAS是一个完全推荐的国际季刊,发表学术文章和评论澳大利亚文化、社会、政治、历史和文学。编辑实践是促进和包括多学科和跨学科工作。Jas自2009年初推出新系列以来,每年出版四次。JAS已经分配了一个多学科代码在2012年的时代演习。JAS的现任编辑是澳大利亚天主教会的Maggie Nolan博士(,+61 7 3623 7182)。大学和Julie Kimber博士(,+61 3 9214 8103)在Swinburne大学。目前的评论编辑是澳大利亚天主教大学的内尔·穆斯格罗夫(。


The Journal of Australian Studies (JAS) is the journal of the International Australian Studies Association. In print since the mid-1970s, JAS has been involved in some of the most important discussion about the past, present and future of Australia in thelast few decades. JAS is a fully-refereed, international quarterly journal which publishes scholarly articles and reviews onAustralian culture, society, politics, history and literature. The editorial practice is to promote and include multi and interdisciplinarywork. JAS is published four times per year from the launch of its new series in early 2009. JAS has beenassigned a multidisciplinary code in the 2012 ERA exercise. The current editors of JAS are Dr Maggie Nolan (, +61 7 3623 7182) at the Australian CatholicUniversity and Dr Julie Kimber (, +61 3 9214 8103) at Swinburne University.The current reviews editor is Nell Musgrove ( at Australia Catholic University.



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