Bone & Joint Journal

所属栏目:SCI期刊 热度:590

Bone & Joint Journal

Bone & Joint Journal



《骨与关节外科杂志》于1948年2月首次出版,并与美国JBJS合著了《骨与关节外科杂志》(Journal of Bone&Joint Survey)。这两卷书在编辑上和经济上都是独立的。如果你对《骨关节外科杂志》的详细历史以及与该杂志相关的许多伟大的名字感兴趣,请关注我们关于弗兰克·霍兰主题的播客。2011年9月,JBJS(AM)和JBJS(BR)就未来独立运营达成了联合协议。这项新的协议现在给了每一家杂志更多的未来方向和战略的自主权。该杂志于2012年作为骨关节杂志重新发行,每月发行一期。要在当前的BJJ编委会上找到信息,请单击此处,或者是社会管理委员会的信息。《骨科会议录》是BJJ的一个补充,它在世界各地的大型骨科会议上在线发表摘要。新的和改进的骨科程序档案可以在这里找到。欧洲骨科和创伤学全国协会联合会年度大会的摘要除了在线发布外,还以印刷形式发布。骨关节杂志是许多国家和国际协会的官方出版物。


The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery [Br] was first published in February 1948 and shared the title The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery with the American Volume of JBJS. The two volumes were editorially and financially independent. If you are interested in a detailed history of The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery [Br] and the many great names associated with the journal, listen to our podcast on the subject by Frank Horan.In September 2011, JBJS (Am) and JBJS (Br) reached a joint agreement on future, independent operations. This new agreement now gives each Journal more autonomy over its future direction and strategy. Relaunched as The Bone & Joint Journal in 2012, the journal publishes monthly issues. To find information on the current BJJ Editorial Board click here, or alternatively information on the Society's Council of Management.Orthopaedic Proceedings is a supplement with BJJ that publishes abstracts from major orthopaedic meetings around the world online. The new and improved Orthopaedic Proceedings archive can be found here. The abstracts from the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Annual Congress are published in print in addition to online.The Bone & Joint Journal is the official publication of many national and international Associations.




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