《经济与社会地理学杂志》(Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie)是该领域历史最悠久的期刊之一,自1910年创办以来,一直是当代人文地理学研究和争论的国际领先期刊。基于长期的经验和理论研究传统,该杂志旨在为空间社会科学提供一个平台。因此,它为经济、城市、文化、政治、发展和人口地理学领域的讨论、概念更新和原创研究提供了空间。该杂志还欢迎来自社会学、空间规划、人类学、政治学、社会和文化研究等学科的贡献和涉及空间、地点和规模问题的多学科视角。该杂志有一个重要的书评部分,在“荷兰之窗”一节中特别强调了荷兰地理和规划的国际地位。
As one of the longest standing journals in the field, since its establishment in 1910, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (Journal of Economic and Social Geography) has been a leading international journal on contemporary research and debates in human geography. Building on a long tradition of empirical and theoretically informed research, the journal aims to provide a platform for the spatial social sciences. As such, it offers space for discussions, conceptual renewal and original research within the fields of economic, urban, cultural, political, developmental and population geography. The journal also welcomes contributions and multi-disciplinary perspectives that address issues of space, place, and scale from disciplines like sociology, spatial planning, anthropology, political science and social and cultural studies. The journal has a critical book review section, and specifically highlights the international position of Dutch geography and planning in the section “Window on the Netherlands”.