Journal of Baltic Science Education

所属栏目:SCI期刊 热度:49

Journal of Baltic Science Education

Journal of Baltic Science Education



立陶宛scientific A Socialis Ltd.发行的科学杂志JBSE强调科学教育和相关领域的理论、实验和方法研究。JBSE是一份国际学术期刊。为了保持这种期刊的高标准,所有收到的稿件都由两名专家匿名评审,另外由编辑评审。JBSE是一个开放获取、双盲同行评审的期刊。本刊出版双月刊,有印刷版和网络版,网络版可免费阅览和下载。《波罗的海科学教育杂志》是国际科协会员,DOI系统正在实施中。


A scientific journal JBSE issued by the Scientia Socialis Ltd., Lithuania, emphasizes theoretical, experimental and methodical studies in the field of science education and related areas. JBSE is an international academic journal. In order to maintain the high standards appropriate to such a journal, all contributions received are submitted for anonymous review by two experts, additionally to review by the Editor. JBSE is an Open Access, double-blind peer-reviewed Journal.This journal is published bimonthly in both print and online versions, and the online version is free to access and download. Journal of Baltic Science Education is a Crossref member and DOI system is being implemented.



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