Therapeutic Hypothermia and Temperature Management

所属栏目:SCI期刊 热度:161

Therapeutic Hypothermia and Temperature Management

Therapeutic Hypothermia and Temperature Management



玛丽安Liebert于1980年创立,Mary Ann Liebert inc .是一家独立出版商的科学、技术、和医学内容,闻名于世,其先见之明和建立权威的同行评议期刊,书籍,和贸易出版物在尖端领域如生物技术、生物医学研究、医学和手术,公共卫生研究和政策、技术、工程、法律、环境研究和政策,和其他专业学科。该公司出版超过90种同行评审期刊,领先的行业杂志,专业通讯,除了社会成员管理和会议。玛丽·安·利伯特(Mary Ann Liebert)以其远见卓识的激情和永不停歇的好奇心为动力,通过创建面向市场的专业出版物来识别和培育关键主题和前沿领域,这些出版物在推进研究和促进学术界、产业界和政府的合作方面发挥着至关重要的作用。该公司致力于确保最高质量的内容,并有能力长期投资,支持新兴市场的出版物直至成熟。该公司的旗舰出版物《基因工程与生物技术新闻》(GEN)于1980年发行,是生物技术领域的第一本同类出版物。今天,GEN是该领域最广泛阅读和高度评价的出版物,提供最前沿的新闻和分析技术、应用和趋势,推动生物技术的未来。自生物技术诞生以来,GEN一直处于该领域的最前沿,保持着无与伦比的完整性、影响力和专业知识,在推动行业生产力和增长方面发挥着关键作用。该公司在市场上发表了许多“第一”,包括艾滋病研究和人类逆转录病毒,人类基因治疗,LGBT健康,以及最近的CRISPR杂志。Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.为作者、图书馆和机构提供了快速和灵活的模型,使发布内容能够快速传播和高可视性。该公司的使命是推进研究和开发,促进合作,使最佳治疗方案成为可能,并最终改善病人护理。Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.不仅仅是一个出版商,还与企业、教育机构、非营利基金会和其他企业进行有效的合作,包括定制出版物、会议、网络研讨会、协会管理、视频和时事通讯。这些资源对于公司、协会和机构推进自己的目标发挥着关键作用。浏览我们的出版物,探索我们已建立的期刊的内容,并了解更多关于我们广泛的能力。一如既往,玛丽安欢迎您的反馈和意见,并致力于继续满足世界各地学术界、政府和工业界——包括公共和私营部门——的需求。


Founded by Mary Ann Liebert in 1980, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is a leading independent publisher of scientific, technical, and medical content, known worldwide for its prescience and establishment of authoritative peer-reviewed journals, books, and trade publications in cutting-edge fields such as biotechnology, biomedical research, medicine and surgery, public health research and policy, technology and engineering, law, environmental research and policy, and other specialized disciplines. The company publishes over 90 peer-reviewed journals, leading trade magazines, and specialized newsletters, in addition to society membership management and conferences.Driven by her visionary passion and ceaseless curiosity, Mary Ann Liebert identifies and nurtures critical topics and cutting-edge fields by creating first-to-market, specialized publications that play a vital role in advancing research and facilitating collaboration in academia, industry, and government. The company is deeply committed to ensuring the highest quality content and is able to invest for the long-term, supporting publications in emerging markets through to maturity.The company’s flagship publication, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN), was launched in 1980, the very first publication of its kind for the field of biotechnology. Today, GEN is the most widely read and highly regarded publication in the field, delivering cutting-edge news and analysis of the technologies, applications, and trends that are driving the future of biotechnology. GEN has been at the forefront of the field since the birth of biotech, maintaining unrivaled integrity, influence, and expertise that plays a pivotal role in driving the productivity and growth of the industry.The company has published many “firsts” in the market, including AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, Human Gene Therapy, LGBT Health, and, most recently, The CRISPR Journal.Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. provides fast and flexible models for authors, libraries, and institutions that enable rapid dissemination and high visibility of published content. The company’s mission is to advance research and development, foster collaborations that enable best therapeutic options, and, ultimately, to improve patient care.More than just a publisher, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. collaborates effectively with corporations, educational institutions, nonprofit foundations, and other enterprises in a broad array of extended capabilities that include custom publications, conferences, webinars, association management, videos, and newsletters. These resources play a pivotal role for corporations, associations, and institutions to advance their own goals.Browse our publications, explore the content of our established journals, and learn more about our extensive capabilities. As always, Mary Ann welcomes your feedback and input, and is committed to continuing to meet the needs of the members of academia, government, and industry—in the public and private sectors—around the world.




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