所属栏目:SCI期刊 热度:145







HPB is an international forum for clinical, scientific and educational communication.Twelve issues a year bring the reader leading articles, expert reviews, original articles, images, editorials, and reader correspondence encompassing all aspects of benign and malignant hepatobiliary disease and its management. HPB features relevant aspects of clinical and translational research and practice. Specific areas of interest include HPB diseases encountered globally by clinical practitioners in this specialist field of gastrointestinal surgery. The journal addresses the challenges faced in the management of cancer involving the liver, biliary system and pancreas. While surgical oncology represents a large part of HPB practice, submission of manuscripts relating to liver and pancreas transplantation, the treatment of benign conditions such as acute and chronic pancreatitis, and those relating to hepatobiliary infection and inflammation are also welcomed. There will be a focus on developing a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment with endoscopic and laparoscopic approaches, radiological interventions and surgical techniques being strongly represented. HPB welcomes submission of manuscripts in all these areas and in scientific focused research that has clear clinical relevance to HPB surgical practice.HPB aims to help its readers - surgeons, physicians, radiologists and basic scientists - to develop their knowledge and practice. HPB will be of interest to specialists involved in the management of hepatobiliary and pancreatic disease however will also inform those working in related fields.Abstracted and Indexed in:MEDLINE?EMBASEPubMedScience Citation Index ExpandedAcademic Search (EBSCO)HPB is owned by the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (IHPBA) and is also the official Journal of the American Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (AHPBA), the Asian-Pacific Hepato Pancreatic Biliary Association (A-PHPBA) and the European-African Hepato-Pancreatic Biliary Association (E-AHPBA).Specific areas of interest include HPB diseases encountered globally by clinical practitioners in this specialist field of gastrointestinal surgery. The journal addresses the challenges faced in the management of cancer involving the liver, biliary system and pancreas. While surgical oncology represents a large part of HPB practice, submission of manuscripts relating to liver and pancreas transplantation, the treatment of benign conditions such as acute and chronic pancreatitis, and those relating to hepatobiliary infection and inflammation are also welcomed. There will be a focus on developing a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment with endoscopic and laparoscopic approaches, radiological interventions and surgical techniques being strongly represented. HPB welcomes submission of manuscripts in all these areas and in scientific focused research that has clear clinical relevance to HPB surgical practice.HPB aims to help its readers - surgeons, physicians, radiologists and basic scientists - to develop their knowledge and practice. HPB will be of interest to specialists involved in the management of hepatobiliary and pancreatic disease however will also inform those working in related fields.



JCR分区等级 JCR所属学科 分区 影响因子
Q1 SURGERY Q1 3.842



CiteScore SJR SNIP 学科类别 分区 排名 百分位
5.40 1.179 1.471 大类:Medicine 小类:Gastroenterology Q2 44 / 149


大类:Medicine 小类:Hepatology Q2 34 / 70




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